Sunday, November 15, 2009

Reflections for week 1

Upon completion of the three self assessments: Technology Applications Inventory, Sedta Survey, and The Rubric for Administrative Technology Use I learned a great deal about where I stood in terms of my knowledge of how technology should be used in the 21st century classroom. Upon completion of the Technology Applications Inventory Survey I found that my strengths lay in the Foundations Domain. These are skills and knowledge pertaining to knowing the differences between operating systems, as well as being able to distinguish between different document formats. My weakness in this survey lay in the Domain area of Communication. This especially applies to communication when it comes to publishing. I do not use publishing software in the classroom or personally. This would be an area that I could seek to improve in. One big weakness that I would notice on my campus as a campus administrator would be that there seems to be no method of ensuring that all students have equal access to technology outside of school. I think administrators seem to assume that all students have this luxury, but in reality there are always some who do not.
I do agree with the information I received upon completion of these surveys. They allowed me see my technological strengths as well as areas for improvement. They also gave me the opportunity to look at things from the perspective of a campus leader. This allowed me to see that there is a need to be able to know that students have equal access to technology outside of the classroom. If not I feel that these students be given certain accommodations to complete assignments that require the use of technology.

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